60 French Films at the Melbourne International Film Festival!

The MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL presents a rich and varied program for its 2016 edition!

Our pick is SLACK BAY with Juliette Binoche, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi and Fabrice Luchini in the latest Cannes entry from Bruno Dumont (Camille Claudel 1915, MIFF 2013). There are two sessions 05 Aug 2016
6:00 pm or 07 Aug 2016 at 6:15 pm at the Comedy Theatre, 240 Exhibition St, Melbourne.

MIFF slack Bay

You might also like THINGS TO COME with Isabelle Huppert, or LE FILS DE JOSEPH, a France-Belgium film, or take your children to see MY LIFE AS A COURGETTE… the choices are plenty!

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For the full program please CLICK HERE.