French Aussie Rules Football Team!

AFI (Australian Football International) is currently searching for French men and women, boys and girls in Melbourne to take part in an all French Aussie Rules football team.

The Harmony Cup will take place on Sunday 2nd of April, with 10 teams and 18 on each side. Anyone who is French or has French heritage (either French parents of grandparents) will be able to take part.

AFI engages with many international communities from all over Melbourne, and has teams with many different backgrounds; Germany, Sweden, Greece, Ireland, Lebanon and many more countries.AFI harmony

Each national team will wear a unique football jumper to represent their country. Here is a design of the French jumper, featuring the colors of the flag and a patriotic rooster:

Team France AFL Full jumper


Training takes place every Sunday from 10:30am to 12pm at Gosch’s Paddock on Punt Road (near Richmond train station). It is free to enroll.

If you are interested in coming along and helping to form a team, get in touch at or find out more on their website.