From the second half of the 17th century until the end of the 18th century, the Enlightenment saw the rise of philosophical, mathematical and scientific movements that ultimately triggered the French Revolution. Voltaire, Descartes and even Newton were part of this intellectual movement.
To acknowledge this influence, the Bastille Day French Festival Melbourneorganises a series of Lumieres Talks blue (bleu), for Franco-Australian medical innovations; white (blanc), for Picasso’s century; red (rouge), for the French Revolution; and finally, green (vert) for revolutionary ideas that fight global warming.
The Lumières vert Talk will be held on Friday, July 15 from 12:15 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. online and in person at ACMI. Among the panels for this light are: Ms. Prune Bokobza, hydrogen and renewable energy expert at Expertise France; Mr. Thierry Kalfon, Managing Director – Renewables Global Business Line at Engie, Ms. Kristen Richardson, Communication Director at ANL and Mr. Leonie Walsh, CEO, Center for New Energy Technologies (C4NET). You can book tickets for this Talk by clicking here.
The lumières bleu Talk will take place on Thursday, July 14 from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. online and in person at Servier headquarters. Among the panel for this event are: Dr. Katie Allen, Former Federal MP, Ms. Maryann Rakopoulos, Servier, and Ms. Anne-Laure Puaux, Biotechnology & Commercialization Manager at WEHI. Prof Frederic Hollande will be monitoring the debate.You can book tickets for this debate by clicking here.
The Lumières blanc Talk will take place on Sunday, July 17 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the NGV theatrette, at Fed Square. The speaker for this lumière is Ms. Miranda Wallace, Senior Curator of International Exhibition Projects at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV). You can book tickets for this Talk by clicking here.
The Lumières Rouge Talk will take place on Sunday, July 17 from 2 to 3 p.m. at the NGV theatrette, at Fed Square. The speaker for this lumière is Mr Matthew Champion, Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne. You can book tickets for this Talk by clicking here.