In the past few months the members of French Assist have been particularly active. They need more volunteers to keep up their good work. If you would like to meet new people and practice your French, don’t hesitate to contact them at or come to their General Assembly on 8 November at 6.15pm at the Alliance Française de Melbourne, which will be the perfect opportunity to meet the members and learn more about their projects!
French Assist is a non-for-profit benevolent society assisting French nationals or Francophones in a state of moral and/or social distress. The association does not help financially but rather provides moral support to people in need. Its members have helped people in their administrative or judiciary procedures, or just been there to listen and keep company.
Their new project is to offer English classes to young French people at the Alliance Française de Melbourne.
In addition to their social services, French Assist is an active player in the local Francophone community. From holding a stall at the Bastille Day French Festival to supporting the French footy team during the Australian Rules World Cup, French Assist is everywhere !

Serge and Catherine from French Assist with the Ambassador of France in Australia and his wife at the Bastille Day French Festival last July