“Is Three Really a Crowd?”: A terrific performance by the Melbourne French Theatre!

Melbourne-French-Theatre115On Saturday, May 9 2015, the Melbourne French Theatre held their closing show of “Is Three Really a Crowd?” by Eugène Labiche, chronicling the story of a complicated love affair, wtih woman trying to please her husband, manage the household and play the role of a wife while trying satisfy her lover, who happens to be her husband’s best friend. The love triangle is further complicated when two Alsatians enter the scene, with their own past of romantic escapades.

The Melbourne French Theatre has been bringing French productions to Melbourne since 1977, and over the past 38 years has held 86 productions from 52 playwrights, including the works of Labiche, Courteline, Moliere and Sartre. Congratulations to the Melbourne French Theatre Inc., and to everyone involved in the production, for a terrific performance!

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