Do you have some knowledge or expertise in creating startups? Or do you want to create your own startup? Discover French Connexion‘s new initiative in this area!
The “Des Demains” initiative is intended to assist French startup organisations based in Melbourne. Des Demains offers these startups a support structure as well as providing training by experts in the field. This initiative gathers and transmits all the information needed to assure the success of these new startups.
Amongst supportive activities, “Des Demain” will offer : to organise filmed interviews of specialists; a website; workshops; exposure to a “pitch” exercise in front of real investors; and more generally, a team of advisors whose experiences, skills and extensive networks in the field will greatly benefit the startup organisations.
If you are interested in lending your services to this initiative or if you are part of a French startup organisation based in Melbourne and would like to benefit from these services, please contact French Connexion on this site.