Tribute to Belle du Berry at the Adelaide Cabaret Festival

Paris Combo is returning to Australia for exclusive Australian and Adelaide-only appearances in celebration of Belle du Berry’s songs from the 9th to the 11th of June 2023.

David Lewis is the son of Elaine Lewis who is very well-known in the French-Australian community of Melbourne.  David studied at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris, today musical director, trumpet player and pianist of Paris Combo, he will be accompanied by Aurore Voilqué, Billie, Carmen Maria Vega, Francois Jeannin, Potzi and Mano Razanajato.

If you’re looking for a time to enjoy a musical mix of jazz, pop and world music, come and join the band paying a tribute to their late lead singer, Belle du Berry.

Click on this link to get your tickets as soon as possible!