Visit of the French Schools of Melbourne with the New Consul General of France in Sydney

On Thursday, October 6, the newly-appointed  Consul General of France in Sydney, Mr Martin Juillard, came to visit Melbourne for the first time. He started with the two French Schools that are accredited by the French Agency for Teaching Abroad. [AEFE]. 

Accompanied by Myriam Boisbouvier-Wylie, Honorary Consul General of France in Melbourne, they started with Auburn High School,  whose French Binational Section has been accredited by AEFE since 2016.

After a warm welcome by the Principal Maria Karvouni, Ms. Deputy Principal and Ms Genevieve Papon, French Section Coordinator, Mr. Juillard visited the classes and saw some of the surdents in action before discussing with the teaching staff on the challenges and successes of the program.

Afterwards, they went to Caulfield Junior College, the primary school whose French Section Elective was first accredited by the AEFE in 2006.  Mr Chris Chant, Principal,  Mr Joseph Chang, President of the School Counsil and Ms Asmine Hammadou President of the Association of Parents of the French School of Melbourne and Ms. Caroline Pommier, director of the French section were present to welcome the visitors.

After a morning tea and joyful exchanges with the schools teachers, Mr. Juillard was led through a school tour. The tour guides were the four Schools Captains who accomplised their role with great poise and maturity.