Getting married soon ?


You are a French National? Or your fiancé is ? Don’t forget to publish the banns before getting married as it is compulsory to do so !

It consists on the bill-posting of your marriage-project at the Consulate. Ten days after the publication of the banns, a certificate of capacity to marry will be sent to you. Once this is done, transcribing your Australian Marriage Certificate will be easier.

To request the publication of the banns to the Consulate general in Sydney, you need to send, at least four weeks before your wedding:

  • Two forms completed by each spouse 
  • A form concerning the couple 
  • A copy of the French citizen’s birth certificate. It must be less than three months old on the day of the wedding ceremony.
  • A certified copy of the foreign spouse’s birth certificate ( and a translation if it is not in French nor English)
  • A proof that one of the spouse holds the French Nationality (Recent Passeport, Carte Nationale d’Identité)
  • A photocopy of the spouses’ passports and visas
  • A proof of domicile ( bill, driving licence)
  • An envelope ” Express Post” with the couple’s adress

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