Did you work in France and are now retired?
As of November 2019, the process to collect a French pension has been simplified: you just need to complete a single life certificate for all your pensions. Moreover, you can now do it online!
How does it work?
You go online at « Ma retraite à l’étranger » to collect and then send the forms. This service is accessible:
- on www.info-retraite.fr by creating or logging into your retirement account ;
- on www.lassuranceretraite.fr , www.agirc-arrco.fr or https://retraitesolidarite.caissedesdepots.fr by connecting to your personal space.
Nota : you still can send your documents by post to the Centre de traitement retraite à l’étranger (Overseas Pension Processing Center) : CS 13 999 ESVRES, 37 321 TOURS, Cedex 9, France.